
from $10.00

We will be sharing to different organizations supporting minorities. You can make a contribution from the drop down menu, which will be given in full.

We’ll send you and the organization a receipt with your name and contribution amount, or if you prefer to stay anonymous let us know.

To see contribution receipts, go to the highlight stories on our Instagram.

Or you can directly contribute to these different organizations who support Raramuri communities:
Social organization that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of indigenous artisans in Mexico through their link with world markets.
A non-profit organization whose mission is to create channels of translation and interpretation between the various cultures for development and social coexistence in the State of Chihuahua.

@ProyectoPinito (facebook)
Proyecto Pinito was born from the lack of food and work in the mountainous area of ​​the State of Chihuahua. It is a project that aims to develop one of the main areas of Tarahumara identity, agriculture.
Financial campaign that promotes the regional development of the Sierra Tarahumara through three programs: Education, Food Security, and Water Security.
It is a non-profit organization that promotes the economy and governance in indigenous communities and farming co-ops of the Sierra Tarahumara, through training, technical advice and defense of the rights of the communities.
Together with the communities of the Sierra Tarahumara, its objective is food self-sufficiency, autonomy, and the sustainable management of natural resources.

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